![]() You Masters of War. We know what you want next. You want Iran. You want the oil. You want to settle old scores. You want to make lots of money from death and destruction. You want the Iranian banking system to be yours. The Lord sees what you are doing. He can slap down your plans. Some day he will. Come you masters of war; You that build all the guns; You that build the death planes; You that build all the bombs; You that hide behind walls; You that hide behind desks; I just want you to know; I can see through your masks. You that never done nothin'; But build to destroy; You play with my world; Like it's your little toy; You put a gun in my hand; And you hide from my eyes; And you turn and run farther; When the fast bullets fly. Like Judas of old; You lie and deceive;A world war can be won; You want me to believe; But I see through your eyes; And I see through your brain; Like I see through the water; That runs down my drain. You fasten all the triggers; For the others to fire; Then you set back and watch; When the death count gets higher; You hide in your mansion'; As young people's blood; Flows out of their bodies; And is buried in the mud. You've thrown the worst fear; That can ever be hurled; Fear to bring children; Into the world; For threatening my baby; Unborn and unnamed; You ain't worth the blood; That runs in your veins. How much do I know; To talk out of turn; You might say that I'm young; You might say I'm unlearned; But there's one thing I know; Though I'm younger than you; That even Jesus would never; Forgive what you do. Let me ask you one question; Is your money that good; Will it buy you forgiveness; Do you think that it could; I think you will find; When your death takes its toll; All the money you made; Will never buy back your soul. And I hope that you die; And your death'll come soon; I will follow your casket; In the pale afternoon; And I'll watch while you're lowered; Down to your deathbed; And I'll stand over your grave; 'Til I'm sure that you're dead. Learn more about this song here. Generals gathered in their masses; Just like witches at black masses; Evil minds that plot destruction; Sorcerers of death's construction; In the fields the bodies burning; As the war machine keeps turning; Death and hatred to mankind; Poisoning their brainwashed minds... Oh Lord yeah! Politicians hide themselves away; They only started the war; Why should they go out to fight?; They leave that role to the poor, yeah Time will tell on their power minds; Making war just for fun; Treating people just like pawns in chess; Wait 'till their Judgment day comes, yeah! Now in darkness, world stops turning; Ashes where the bodies burning; No more war pigs of the power; Hand of God has struck the hour; Day of Judgment, God is calling; On their knees the war pigs crawling; Begging mercy for their sins; Satan, laughing, spreads his wings; Oh Lord yeah! Learn more about this song here. Lunatic fringe; I know you're out there; You're in hiding; And you hold your meetings. I can hear you coming; We know what you're after; We're wise to you this time; We won't let you kill the laughter Lunatic fringe; In the twilight's last gleaming; This is open season; But you won't get too far 'Cause you gotta blame someone; For your own confusion; But I'm on guard this time; Against your final solution We can hear you coming; No you're not going to win this time; We can hear the footsteps; Out along the walkway Lunatic fringe; We all know you're out there; Can you feel the resistance?; Can you feel the thunder? Learn more about this song here. Note: We are aware that Bush is no longer President. Nevertheless, the structures and companies put in place by his administration remain. Now they are gunning for Iran. This is unacceptable. "He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore." -- Isaiah 2:4 |
![]() About TCL BlogWe’re not about Dogma here. We’re just Christians who think the political and Christian right-wing have their priorities wrong. Featured Bloggers![]() Charles Toy is the founding member of The Christian Left. We're sure you will enjoy his passion as well as his wit. Guest bloggers featured often.
January 2025