![]() Yesterday we asked you to post your reflections on the 4th Anniversary of this community. We compiled them below. We are always humbled and overjoyed when we read this kind of feedback. We started this effort because we felt the same way and we knew you were out there. We just had to find you. Above all else this effort represents a ministry. It's a ministry for folks who felt alone. As we say on our website: "We left hate behind; left prejudice; left callous attitudes; and followed Jesus as HE left the 99 in the fold, to go find the ones who were lost, ignored, excluded, overlooked, abandoned, uncared-for -- all 'the least of these.' We left hard-heartedness in order to be like the Samaritan who stopped to care for those in need." Politics is a side issue. Without the teachings of Jesus it would all mean nothing. Christ's teachings give life to what we do, and we give all the credit to him. When we thought we were lost and alone Jesus came and found us here, on Facebook, and he found you too. Now let's move on to your reflections. Jan Smith -- After quite a few unsuccessful internet searches for spiritual but open-minded people, one day I stumbled across your website. That led to this page and it has been a part of my life ever since. I'm so glad I found you. Pat Allen -- Seeing your FB page was the first time I had the pleasure to hear people with Christian compassion and courage speak out on Christian teachings. You restored my faith in Christians. Dan Hawkins -- I was raised a Christian and although I no longer am I love you all at The Christian Left. Here I see what true Christianity is. You are all such loving people. Thank you for being who you are. Max Blaska -- I was a Christianity hating agnostic. I thought that the religious right was what Christianity was. God showed me the error of my ways and I became a Christian. I went to a church that serves the community and feeds the soul. I found The Christian Left and I was glad that I am not alone. I became a troll for Christ and was blocked from posting on 12 right wing FB pages. Brian Priesman -- I no longer feel alone, being a Christian and a progressive... Al Medina -- Hi guys... I just jumped onto your page today. I'm a lifelong atheist, and it's nice to know that there are folks out there who are far and away much better people than the lunatics that have the megaphones (the Falwells and Robertsons of the world) that preach that hatred and bigotry is okay under the flag of religion. Though I dispute his existence, if Jesus was around to see the state of affairs today, I have no doubt that he would be in this camp. Thanks for providing a lighthouse of reason in a sea of insanity. Jim O'Gara -- This is longer than a blurb so I hope you'll indulge me. Beyond finding a diverse online community in which I find such support, The Christian Left has given me a great friend in Rev. Mark Sandlin . Like so many here I felt like I never left Jesus, nor him left me, but that American Christianity had left the teachings of Jesus, and me, behind a long time ago. (Matthew 25:31-47 anyone!?!) I joined a Unitarian Universalist church because I couldn't find a Christian denomination that felt like home. If TCL was a physical church, though, I'd be a regular attendee! I joined TCL fairly early on. And said that I wished someone in the community lived near me so we could meet for coffee. Lo and behold, Mark lives in my city. We met for coffee, and have gotten together regularly since then. We've talked loads of theology, about all the things I believed (God is Love! God isn't a being, God IS BEING!) and didn't believe (virgin birth, homosexuality is a sin, Christians have to vote Republican). I think the most affirming part was when Mark asked, "So even without all the other things, is live and death of Jesus still the way you encounter the Divine?" "Yes," I replied, "and it's through Jesus' teachings that I source my ethics." "Then Jim," Mark said, "I think you are still a Christian, even though there are any out there who believe otherwise." Part of me, the part that loves the teachings of Jesus, cried inside because it didn't feel so alone anymore. Soon after that, I invited Mark to join the lunch dates I had with my good friend Gard Lewis an agnostic-atheist. Between our shared loves of good food, great beer, football and philosophy we've grown a great friendship. So much so this was our exchange one week: Me: You know, this has to be what heaven is like, enjoying a good stout with your friends! Really, if they don't have beer in heaven and you two guys aren't there to enjoy said beer with me, then I don't want to go. Mark: I think that's quite a good vision of heaven. Gard: You know, that's a heaven even I could believe in! Another round? A Presbyterian minister, a Unitarian Universalist, and an Agnostic-Atheist walk into a bar...only at The Christian Left! Rick Roderick -- I have been a progressive Christian all my life, but the media often act like we don't exist. To my knowledge, there are no progressive Christian radio stations. I appreciate the fact that this is a place where we can be informed and express ourselves. Martha Wagner Huebert -- When I found your community I was at a point where I could not stand to be called a Christian any more. Some told me I could not be a Christian and vote for President Obama. Others told me I had to be a Fundamentalist and believe every word in the Bible is true, even in the scientific sense. I was expected to give up my mind at the church door. Finding that there are many others who think as I do did me a world of good! You have put the LOVE of God back into Christianity and removed the bigotry and hate which never belonged there in the first place. Melinda Hailey -- I only found you a few months ago. I have missed out on so many amazing conversations, I just know it! But in the few months I have been here I have enjoyed communicating with others of like minded openness and spirit of love and acceptance. Your page, and this whole community, has returned my faith in the people of Christ. Peter Stokes -- Not much in my life happens by accident, so while I was recuperating in 2011 from a 30 foot fall off a roof and broken back, I took the time to reexamine my relationship to Spirit- I've always had some sort of relationship, but I had more or less left Christ behind, as I saw many awful examples of "Christianity" being perpetuated in our society, mostly by people on the political right who seemed incapable of any degree of tolerance for anything or anyone different from them. I began to realize that while those people are very good at getting attention, they cannot ever define my relationship with Christ (or any other relationship with God)- that is for me alone to do. The more I thought about Christ's teachings the more I saw that the religion I had decided to ignore need not keep me from their true meaning- he didn't come here to give us a religion, he came here to give us a relationship with God. That was right about when I came across your page, and I've really enjoyed seeing how many other folks feel at least a little like I do... so thanks! Cathy Cox -- I have loved the CL Community ever since I discovered it - It means a great deal to me as a Christian and an Episcopal priest to find this group of folks who share both my passion FOR Jesus and my discouragement with the voices that drown his out for the sake of politics AGAINST his actual life as he seems to have lived it, vibrant, real God-life that cost him his own - Melissa Cassara -- This page and the viewpoints on Christianity expressed here played a huge part in bringing me to the Christian faith. I was so leery before because of course all the fundamentalists get publicity. . .I've always said, if only Christians would emulate Jesus. . .I've found kindred spirits here on TCL. Christian Randolph Robertshaw -- I agree with Pat Allen and Dan Hawkins. It's so refreshing to find a group of people who speak out for true Christian beliefs, rather than those 'Christians' who use religion as an excuse for their own bigotry. You have also restored my faith in Christians and Christianity. Jennifer Heale -- One of my life purposes, as I see it, is to help reclaim my religion from the lunatic fringe. To show that the faithful can live by the principles they espouse and be models of compassion and integrity. This page helps me to know others are as disgusted as I am by the hijacking of our christianity by an agenda that is antithetical to the teachings of Christ. Thank you. Mark Woodland -- It's wonderful to know that I am not alone. Floriana Phillips -- Love your posts & comments. Glad to know that there are like-minded people out there with true Christian values! Ed Tillman -- People here embrace what Jesus actually taught -- unconditional love for all fellow human beings. True love -- agape -- demonstrated not just through words and proclamations of so-called faith, but through support for public policies and leaders who champion equal rights and fair treatment for all. Christianity win. Jennifer Price Mahoney -- Thank you for giving me a "space" where I feel normal. Most of my family is right-wing conservative Christian. I work at a university where I'm often surrounded by left-wing liberal anti-Christians. In my sphere, I felt like a freak. The Christian Left is a safe haven. God bless you! Kei Weir -- I grew up in an entirely atheist family, had atheist friends, and the closest thing I had to any Christianity--or religion, for that matter-- exposure before my teens was Santa bringing me Christmas presents. As I entered high school, I made friends of various religions and denominations: Mormon, Wiccan, pagan, Lutheran. We all did, and still do, get along fine. And although I, myself, am a LaVeyan Satanist now, I follow several pages like The Christian Left. I may not share your beliefs, but I defend your right to them and am proud to see progressive Christians standing up for what's right and helping those who need it. Here's to many more years! Rebecca Hall -- I was raised in the south and a baptist, but as I got older and more opened minded I left the church because of what I felt was nothing but blind racism and intolerance for anything that lives differently then them. Now today the message is nothing about the love, Jesus had for the least of these, and all about hating gays, contraception, abortions and who is going to hell and the freeloaders, takers, single mothers, who are just to lazy to work and don't need a safety net because their just not trying hard enough. The Christian Left has been a inspiration and place where I can feel the love Jesus has for ALL of us and not the ignorance and hate of the Christian right wing...especially here in the south where hate runs deep. I no longer call myself a Christian but a follower of Jesus Christ and His teachings... I'm thankful for The Christian Left. Miles Mccarver -- After years of being jaded and disappointed in the amount of hate I found among other circles, it feels like I found people with a focus on grace that I was looking for. It also helps that you have the guts to stand against hard line dogmatism. Gail Langendorf -- Thank God you exist. I found a Church like you too. Terri Drake Imhoof -- It's helped me to show my atheist friends that there are people practicing Christianity who don't want them dead or deported - that it's not just me. Joni Taylor Coté -- Happy Anniversary! I find your page refreshing! Keep up the good work! Elizabeth Lewis -- The Christian left gives me a home on Facebook a place where I can be the service oriented, Christ centered Christian I was raised to be Gay Cheney -- I was raised in a very strict fundamentalist "church" where I was constantly questioning what was being said. To say the least, my parents were not happy campers. Eventually, I just stopped with the questions in the church and, on my own and in secret, starting researching Buddhism. Time passes, raise children in no church but they are encouraged to experiment and go to several different ones. At one point my middle child, who was in third grade at the time, was told by a preacher's son she would be going to hell because we did not belong to a church. That was when I totally lost it. Lost God. Was already questioning. My God is more like the American Indian God, great Spirit who worships nature, etc. About 10 years ago is when I started noticing that fundamentalist were really "using God and faith" for the own agenda. This page and some others has renewed my faith, maybe not in God, but in the goodness of others who follow Christ and his message and I applaud you and others for standing up to the bullies and basically that's what they are. It becomes a feeding frenzy. Thank you Christian Left and keep up the good work!!! Not exactly short but... namaste _/\_ Lynn Hasson -- I'm a believing Christian (Lutheran). There's people who have told me that my church isn't "really Christian" enough. Then there's my liberal friends and relatives who dismiss all Christianity as believing in fairy tales. Here I know there's people like me who still need (and try to live) the good message that our Savior brings to our lives. Thank you!! Beth Arvin -- I cannot accept that God is my heavenly father but that He is so willing to turn his children away unless they believe one certain way. I have left organized religion but found a "home" here among those who don't think they have all the answers and are willing to let each other follow their own path. Conservatives tell you that you need a personal relationship with God, then tell you that your relationship is all wrong. I'd much rather be in community with people brave enough to follow Christ (or not, if that is your choice) than those who chose to blindly follow self-important religious leaders. I'll chose to follow love every time. Janice Peterson Radder -- I am not a christian but was born one. I am disgusted by right wing hijacking of Jesus. I am grateful to this site and a group of good christians who seem to really try to live by and promote what Jesus stood for. I am terrified by the faux dominionist (christian/right wing taliban) who would like to destroy our country for greed and power. Keep up the good work CL! William Alexander Carter -- well, it stopped me from going down the pathway of thinking that all the christians were a bunch of loud mouthed, anti-atheist, anti-everyone-else judgmental trash because I have discovered some who don't act like that. So there is that. So there you go. Alisa Sallas White -- I love knowing there are others out there who feel as I do. Once upon a time they told us if we were Christians we had to be Republicans. Not so any longer. Thanks Christian Left. Des Jeffers -- I truly enjoy and appreciate the dialogue I find on The Christian Left. I found myself at odds with some of the attitudes at my church and I am so appreciative of the open and non-judgemental people I find here. God bless. Tammy Collins Brand -- I thought I was on my own until I found The Christian Left. God bless you. Deb Grysko -- Your page has meant hope, compassion, balance, and open-mindedness. In this day and age of extremists who pose as Christian but act so heartlessly, your page is very much needed! God bless you for putting it out there! Kirk Bastek -- If all Christians were like you I may not be an atheist. Susan Clark Hughes -- I was overjoyed to find people that believe similar to how I do. I live in Texas and go to a loving, but somewhat conservative church. It is nice to have you all. I would like to say that the people at the church I go to do try to love like Jesus did. It's just that living in the South somewhat colors your thinking about many things. Nancy Rooker -- You have given us the voice of sanity, proper application and interpretation of Scripture, but especially encourage Christians who want to be true to our faith in a mixed up world. Thanks. Judy Hunter -- In have found a home-- a retreat from the insanity of the religious right -- and I. Love it here!!!! I feel that I can say what I believe and not be condemned to eternal hell. Ahhhhhhh! Janet Price -- What would we do without this page??? We need reminders every day that we are not alone......that there are others like us. I'm sure I speak for everyone by saying, THANK YOU, The Christian Left!!!! I look forward to every post ........ every day! Leota Leota -- You are a breath of fresh air! Thank you! WJ MacGuffin -- Before y'all, I thought most Christians were right wing Republicans. It made me question if I had read Jesus' words wrong. But knowing there are so many others who believe in a God and His love keeps me on the right path, even if it is the left one. Thank you, and may God bless you all. Laurinda McLean -- I came across you not that long ago and you were like a breath of fresh air to a dying man! I've been frustrated and heart sick at all the political ins and outs and felt so alone as a Christian who is a left. Then I found you and realized my thinking was not off course if so many others were of the same persuasion! "What would Jesus do?" Has pounded in my head the last few years and now I am not alone in my thinking, thank you for bravery and speaking truth! Jean Donahue -- The biggest and best part was just discovering I was not alone. I don't have to think I am losing my faith, every time a red flag goes up. Just knowing that just because "he is a preacher" doesn't mean he can't be wrong. I am grateful that there are others like me. Kelly Flock Bair -- I only found your page about a week ago and it has been inspiring. After feeling pretty much ostracized by almost all of my "friends" that call themselves "Christian" and tell me that if I am a liberal I cannot be a Christian, your page has given me renewed hope for my fight against the conservative propaganda that I have been railing against for years! I've lost a lot of friends because they chose to walk away because I would not embrace their views. People say do not burn bridges you may have to cross back over but I say the let the bridges I burn light the way forward, because I do not move backwards, especially if it means rejecting the truths Jesus teaches! Bob Walsh -- A new way of understanding Christian outlooks and insights....aloha!!!! Karen Packard Rhodes -- You've given me hope. I abjure organized religion, but I thank you for making me feel okay about being a Christian, and reminding me what that really means. Greg Martin -- I'm no longer feeling alone in the thought that the church had gone completely psychotic. Teresa Albrecht -- I found you (somehow) when TCL was at around 20k people! Still loving the message. Erin Christian -- Your page helped me see it wasn't just me and Van Gogh who felt this way: "Oh, I am no friend of present-day Christianity, though its Founder was sublime — I have seen through present-day Christianity only too well. That icy coldness hypnotized even me, in my youth — but I have taken my revenge since then. How? By worshipping the love which they, the theologians, call sin, by respecting a whore, etc." H Lee Keel -- you are a daily inspiration ! I felt the same way when I found you as I did the day I discovered Lou Reed's "Transformer" Lp. Many things have been clarified and I no longer feel alone ! Tony Brucks -- One of the few remaining becons of light and truth in a ever growing world of darkness & hatred Damaris Constantino -- Being that american evangelicals planted the seed for the different christianisms we have now in Mexico, -which mirror xenophobic, misoginic and classist attitudes from up north-, it was surprising and relieving to find in the Christian Left a different kind of christianity: one founded in actual Jesus following rather than in controling societies to meet your own interests. THANK YOU! Bobbi Marshall Sundeen -- This is a great place for Progressive Christians to gather. Jae Alan -- Up until several years ago I considered myself an atheist. Mostly, because I did not want to associate myself with a group of people who hated gays, turned their back on the impoverished, and acted the polar opposite of Jesus. I grew up a Christian, but as I grew older the I just couldn't align myself with a group that was riddle with inequity. The Christian Left brought me back and has strengthen my relationship with God and Christ. It is good to know I am not alone with my Liberal Christian beliefs. TCL has made me a stronger and better Christian, ultimately making me a better man. Chris McLean -- I have been a member since early on, and I can say this site restored my faith, due to the love it interjects into my life on a daily basis. Hank Mayers -- Your comments help me believe we can somehow get past this terrible period Marcia Foil -- TCL has given voice to my deepest prayers. Richard Herring -- The Christian Left has provided a much needed counterpoint to all the political insanity that the Christian Right has decided to engage in, especially following their takeover of the Tea Party in 2009. Joan Mistretta -- Started this above and accidentally lost it. Wanted to say don't get discouraged: Claudia Minnick -- Well, you folks talk about Jesus like He's our leader, big bro & best friend. I like that. I love Jesus. I wanta follow His teachings. This page is 4 every1 interested as long as they're not rude. Been with ya since ya had like 20K followers. I really appreciate ur work. Thanks Chris Mansker -- Ever since being referred to your FB page by a friend, I have enjoyed the posts and enjoyed contributing to discussions. It was great to finally find a place where my views are respected and where I wasn't insulted and mocked for being a Christian. It's great to be part of something this big where people can be themselves and not have to feel ashamed of what they believe. It has renewed my hope in the freedom that I can accept other view points and still remain strong in my faith in Jesus Christ even while disagreeing with someone. I am so happy to be part of something that reflect TRUE Christian values and teaches others to do the same. Thank you The Christian Left for being a part of my daily life and for giving me the peace of mind that I can be the person God made me to be. Darlene Burns -- It reassures me that not all Christians preach hate and bigotry. Cathy McAuliffe-Dickerson -- I felt so alone -- questioning was I REALLY a Christian? Now I know. Yes, I am! Sean Phillips -- I am thankful for your site's showing God's love for ALL people. As my pastor put it, "We could not force God to love us by our deeds or words, He loves us because of His will. God sent Jesus for us out of love. It is not up to us to decide whom God loves; He loves us all." Your site shows the goodness of Christians who are not perverting the Gospel out of hate, spite, or prejudice. We are all children of God and He loves us all the same. Thank you for putting a good face on the internet for those of us who are not hate filled. Amy Raspatello -- I know it s called the Christian Left, but I think it's Christianity done RIGHT. Whatsoever you do....... Sarah Fay -- I have found renewed faith in Jesus, having come to realize that he never advocated for the kind of behavior seen in the GOP. I've also come to know that being friends with Atheists and Pagans, as well as being a trans woman who identifies as pansexual, are in line with God's plan for me. Thank you. Larry Ray Davis -- It has given me hope that all christians are not hateful, ignorant beings seeking the end of times Jessica Showen -- I used to feel so alone in this world. I live in Southern Illinois, amidst a sea of red, and I feel like I am the sole blue Christian. It's so nice to know there are others. I view The Christian Left as a support group of sorts- your posts are very healing and can normally brighten my day. Thanks, TCL, and happy anniversary to my favorite page. Sunshine Goodmorning -- Dear God Almighty! "Write a little blurb"? As if! You guys, single handedly, thawed out my frozen heart. You blew me away. I don't even remember how I stumbled upon The Christian Left in the first place, all those years ago, but I do remember the very first post I read, just blowing my mind. I started scrolling down through your wall and my heart cracked open and joy filled my soul. It was like finding My People, when I thought I was the only one in existence. You guys bring me peace, you bring me wonderment, you remind me who Jesus was as The Greatest Teacher and you bring me hope for the future of our planet and our race. Love and blessings!!! Martha Wagner Huebert -- It was like coming home. Don Marsh -- Sometimes I feel like a stranger in a strange land here in the uber red zone. TCL makes my day and helps me realize that there are thousands of like-minded followers of Jesus out there and that I am not alone. Helene Legoskey -- It makes me feel I am not alone being a liberal and a Christian. Thank you Christian Left. Robert Allen Wharton -- Gives me hope. I stopped attending organized religion 30 years ago because all I heard was hate. I always believed in love. Isn't that Jesus' message? Kay Matous -- Ever since the days of Jerry Falwell and the "Moral Majority" I realized that "brand" of Christianity does NOT speak for me. I'm glad you are here to broaden the voice of Christians who don't always agree with the "religious right". Ginger Shay-Chizmar -- Christian Left has done Jesus proud! Like so many others have already stated, it's great to have affirmation that I am in good company with other Christians who don't hate others due to their differences... of opinion, of color, of sexuality... Thank you! Gale Jackson -- Thankfully I'm not alone!!! Thanks for keeping me sane!! Rachel Linwood Sellers -- Supporting that love is love is love. Bev Hyde -- YIPPY SKIPPY! Finally someone is reading the same Bible as me. Amy Hayward -- Being raised extremely strict united pentecostal, I have always soul searched and read all I could get my hands on about the Bible and authors and original meaning. I even lived in Israel for a year. I have been at odds with organized religion since I was a child and had child like faith questioning Adam and Eve and all of the townspeople and then later focused on science eventually getting a master's degree in science. I thought I was alone with my progressive thinking and am so happy to find a community that believes in the true word of the Bible and how we are supposed to follow it. Thank you for backing up my feelings. Lorraine M. Pasquali -- Safe, welcome, comfortable. Grace and peace be with you, all. Kenneth Nesbitt -- Helps keep me sane Susan Harris Schultz -- It reassures me that I am not alone. Thank you. Linda Slavens Dixon -- Finding The Christian Left was life changing! I had given up on Christians. I live in Southeastern North Carolina a desert for true Christians. Rather than feed the hungry and heal the sick they make signs and spend their time in frenzied work to spread inequality! A sad state of affairs! Davidandleahkaye Weathers -- We've long been Progressive Christians, but live in an area that is VERY Ultra-Conservative. The Republicans claim to be the 'party of Jesus' yet ALL that they espouse is the polar-opposite of what Jesus taught, stood for and died for! The GOP ARE the modern Pharisees! It has been such a Blessing to find Fellowship and Edification in the Christian Left! Gigi Apricot -- I have been so fortunate to belong to the Christian Left for most of my life. First, as an Episcopalian. And now as a member of the United Church of Christ. The Christian Left has been quietly following Jesus, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned. I am glad we have this connection to each other. I love hearing the epistles from my sisters and brothers here. May our work together grow and continue. Laura Harris -- I'm not a Christian but appreciate what you guys do. For once I was in a place where the people are actually real and not fake. I wasn't told I was going to hell and it was welcomed. This is a sanity island in the sea of insanity. It's good to have a "home" like this. Jae Alan -- Up until several years ago I considered myself an Atheist. Being raised Christian, I know God and Jesus but refused to align myself with the conservative Christians. I couldn't stand their hatred, bigotry, their mistreatment if of the impoverished, and their general discontent for all non-Christians. TLC woke me up and brought me back to God. I have strengthened my relationship with home, and actually try to live as Jesus intended. TLC has allowed me a place to speak my mind, while teaching me how to be a better Liberal Christian. TLC has awakened me and taught me I am not alone in how I feel politically and spiritually. I am better husband, father, and person because of TLC. James T. Weiner -- I know so many conservative Christians... who from my point of view do not necessarily follow Jesus's example. This site has been uplifting and inspirational. Thank You! Alexandra Michalina -- Thankful to see that there are other Christians who have not fallen into the web of the so called right wing Christian elitists and their propaganda Andrew Eblen -- The Christian Left has given me a new view of Christianity. Daniel Young -- I've said it before; I am extremely grateful to you for showing me the real face of Christianity: the love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness and non-judgment/non-condemnation that Jesus taught. Whether or not I myself am a Christian, now, is a matter of interpretation by others, but I follow Christ in my heart the same way you do, and we are brothers. Sandie Weinrauch -- A place of peace and rational thought amidst a sea of turmoil and extremism. Galen Wong -- I had come from a world that the cross had become a warning of danger and persecution. When I looked no longer at those who stoned me from the right and looked at my left I found those who would console and hold me. And that's how I learned to believe again Jeff Jobe -- The Christian Left is an inspiration. Still in it's infancy the impact you are making is far reaching. The small candle you lit just a few short years ago is casting a bright and compassionate light into the world. I am proud to be a member of The Christian Left. Paul Hess -- I've always been a conservative Republican..Wanted to experience another way of thinking. I thank you all for giving me that perspective. . I agree with with you and Republicans..I'm far from a hater and being one of the poor, I agree, this nation can do better. We are all gods children!!# Michele Horne -- It's just so nice and refreshing to see messages of acceptance and mercy, which is more in line with my understanding of Jesus's message and directive to us to love one another and do unto the least of these! It is so frustrating to see so many people clothing their words of hate, condemnation, and ignoring the needs of others less fortunate than themselves in the guise of "Christianity." Living in the Deep South, it is difficult to find like-minded Christians, so this is an oasis of sanity in a sea of bigotry and closed-mindedness at times. Thanks for spreading loving words. Daniel Duane Spyker -- This web-site is complementary to what I get from Sojourners. I need both of you! Linda Wetta -- Your site is like a church home for those of us who have none. Living in a very small rural town (1,200 people, 5 churches), not attending any of them (though I've tried), I have found it very difficult to discuss, ask questions, or say anything about religion or spirituality without a.) hurting someone's feelings unintentionally, b.) making someone mad, or c.) having what I said or asked reported up one side of Main Street and down the other. It is so great to be able to read, think, and interact here, safely and honestly. Laurel Kelsey Alexander -- It has giving hope. Laura Singleton -- We found a place where love isn't just preached, it is taught and practiced. The information from The Christian Left helped lead us to our church home after more than a decade of searching. Thank you for the honesty, the truth and the knowledge that we aren't alone in seeking a more Christlike Christianity. Kathy Hunsicker -- It has renewed my faith that Christianity is as I was taught, Love, Connectedness with others, Acceptance. Karen Roehrig -- Christian Left... Totally fulfilling ... Dennis Grossman -- For a second, I thought you meant that you thought the Earth was only four years old. Ultra new earth Christianity. Thank God that's not what you meant. Lou Anne Savage -- It has encouraged me to know that I'm not the only one out there that thinks like this. Cristy Weldon -- Being in a lesbian relationship in Texas where much of my extended family thinks I'm going to burn in hell - finding christians who understand the heart of God and have believed in the message of Christ, gives me courage to continue in my faith and to grow in the fullness of that expression of spiritual fruit founded in love. Becca Martinez -- Being a newcomer TCL reminds me the Jesus I was raised with and believe is REAL His love still lives in people. My faith is being restored and my heart is healing. Thank you. Thank you. Marcy Homesley-Cox -- I now know I am not alone thinking the Christian Right is wrong and down right mean. Cathleen Craig -- While always Liberal and always vocal with it, on the subject of God and Christianity I had become a mute. My antipathy for the Conservative view of Christ had grown to such an extent that I was revolted and humiliated at the very idea that anyone would think that I was anything remotely like them. God became my dirty little secret. I tucked Him away in my head, my heart and spoke to him in silence lest someone question my sanity. Then I found you. I believe, truly, that God led you to begin this so that we could find one another. So that all of us could find one another. This site, in my opinion, is about and for those seeking truth. Seeking justice and mercy and Home. It has given me the strength and the courage to realize that I hadn't hidden God, I had hidden myself. Thank you for listening to God when he spoke to you. Thank you for starting this site so that we would have a place, a Home to come to where we know we are Loved and accepted regardless of labels and race and sexual identity. Thank you for giving me my voice back. Oddvar Tryti -- Hello from Norway ! I like your FB side very much.Thank you being there ! Scott Shelton -- Finding that I'm not such a rare bird. That being Christian & liberal is not such an odd thing. Finding the Christian Left has been like finding a little slice of home on the internet. Thank you & God bless. Roger Volk -- TCL has become a spiritual and value hub for me. Thx Joseph P. Mahoney III -- I really don't like referring to my faith as 'Christian Left', but... I am. Dianna Crowley -- I like being part of a group whose existence proves I CAN be a Christian and a liberal. Erik Karas -- I am thankful for the community that cares for one another and is a safe place to be outraged by the hate. My hope, is that in the next four years we will have the opportunity to move from outrage to coordinated action from time to time. There's quite a few people here. Imagine what might happen if there was a specific call to action from The Christian Left. Justin Young -- What A breath of Fresh Air! Thanks deeply for all your work. It has made being a Christian fresh, exciting, and actually practical! Carol McCalister Becker -- I, too, found myself feeling lost and confused with what I heard and saw in churches. I was fairly sure they were not speaking the same language of love and forgiveness that I understood from Christ ad his teachings. Where had they gone? They turned left. I've turned left, too, and this page fills me with hope and peace and courage. Thank you. An Drea Ta-wil -- This movement helped me learn that it's not a sin to love your fellow man as much as God. Lorie Burtt -- I have only just recently found you, and I cannot tell you how grateful I am that I did. I have felt so alone until now. I have believed for years that the Christian Right is just wrong about everything, and I could not believe that I was the only one, yet I could not find anyone who believed as I did. In you, I feel that I have found "my people." Thank you so much. Michael Biasiello -- Happy anniversary! Vicky Chapman -- It means I am not (as) ashamed to refer ti myself as a Christian. Silver Gladstar -- I have some friends who are devout Christians, but I could never reconcile their being so loving while mainstream Christianity was being so hateful. You've helped me understand that not all Christians subscribe to hate. Thank you. Joan Mistretta -- Ring the bell that still can ring. Vicki Opava Merritt -- It is what Jesus would really do. It has been so comforting to find I am not alone. Lindy Rose -- You helped to restore my faith, which was drifting away because of so much hatred from other Christians. The Christian Left reaffirms what I believe is Christianity through love and kindness for others. I thank you because I was about to become a lost soul awhile ago, and you prevented that from happening. José Luis Porfírio -- I'm glad you're there and I'd like to find some counterparts of yours this side of the Pond. Joan Mistretta -- By its very existence, and its name, it gives witness to the fact that there are those who try to truly follow the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. We need a strong witness in a world which constantly seeks to pervert those teachings into hate and violence. Carol Long McCulloch -- You, Sojourners, Nadia. It's good to have company By Charles Toy ![]() Many Christians like to go around saying (sometimes shouting), "The entire Bible is the literal, inerrant Word of God." No it isn't. Furthermore, to make such a statement is not only wrong, it's lazy and irresponsible. The Bible is a complex book. Parts of it are God talking and parts aren't. Parts are God speaking through prophets. Parts are clearly written by men for specific purposes related to their society in the era they wrote it. Discovering which parts of the Bible are in fact the "literal, inerrant Word of God" is a lifelong process which involves dedication, study, prayer and reflection. It is not for the lazy or faint of heart, but if you take the Bible seriously it's a requirement. Christians who make grand pronouncements by throwing around clichés they know nothing about are nothing less than dangerous. Millions of lives have been subjected to untold misery by men proclaiming "thus saith the Lord," when the Lord didn't say anything of the sort. Jesus stated in Matthew 22:37-40 that we are to love God and love our neighbors as we do ourselves. He also said that "on these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets." In other words the entire Bible leading up to Jesus' birth can be summarized by these two commands. If Christians want to fall back on a concept while they learn the rest of the Bible this is the one to fall back on. Love trumps all. Love wins ... every time. As Paul wrote, "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." Here's Pastor Rick Warren (with whom we disagree on many things) stating that the scripture cited by Piers Morgan is nothing more than "Jewish Civil Law." On this matter, we agree with Pastor Warren. |
![]() About TCL BlogWe’re not about Dogma here. We’re just Christians who think the political and Christian right-wing have their priorities wrong. Featured Bloggers![]() Charles Toy is the founding member of The Christian Left. We're sure you will enjoy his passion as well as his wit. Guest bloggers featured often.
January 2025