Conservative trolls are generally a combination of stupid, loud, and persistent. It's sad to have to use such language but it's the truth. They embody the sentiments of Charles Bukowski when he said, "The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence." We love it when folks step up, speak up, and put them in their place. Such an incident recently took place on the FB page Liberally Driven. Here's what the troll said. It's typical condensed Faux Noise spew. In other words, nonsense. Below is the response from one of the readers of Liberally Driven. M.L., who is a 9 year veteran of US Military Service. He responded point by point to the allegations of the Troll.
While it is quite lengthy, it is worth the read, and kudos to M.L. for one of the most thoughtful and intelligent responses to a troll that we have ever seen. The page administrators didn't want it to be hidden among the comments in an isolated post so they wrote it up on a separate post with M.L.'s permission. Enjoy. Please share this in whole or in part as we regard this as an excellent example of how we all should respond to allegations of the Wrong Wing. AN EXCELLENT RESPONSE TO POINT BY POINT MISINFORMATION FROM A WRONG WING TROLL: (The first part of each section is what the troll stated, followed by the response of M.L.) 1. "America is in a constitutional crisis." Primarily because we allow people with the educational level of an eighth grader vote, and they ALWAYS vote for the Republicans, a party that has proven to the nation, time and again, that they couldn't care any less for the poor or the middle class. You, my brainless adversary, are one of those who CAUSED that "constitutional crisis." 2. "Obama is on the verge of impeachment." Based on what charges? Can you name JUST ONE THING the president has done to warrant another tens of billions of wasted taxpayer money on impeachment investigations? And this time around, we're going to demand that, should you TRY to impeach the president, in return, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld all be turned over to the nations who have arrest warrants issued on them, to stand trial for war crimes. The knife will cut both ways, this time. 3. "Obamacare is a death spiral." Nope. Wrong again, O brainless one! Your own Republican party is in the death spiral. Your side is presently demanding the government be shut down unless the ACA is defunded. Should that happen, your party will commit political suicide on a national level, and will be damn lucky if they can field candidates who can win office higher than township janitor outside the former Confederate States. 4. "Obama's spending is ripping off the very people you lefties purport to help." OBAMA's the one ripping the poor and middle class off? Whose party is spending copious amounts of time saying NO to every jobs bill or infrastructure repair bill brought to them by the president? It's YOU PEOPLE ripping us all off! Perhaps if you pulled your head out of Glenn Beck's tuchus long enough to see the real world, you'd know that. 5. OBAMA's the one ripping the poor and middle class off? Whose party is spending copious amounts of time saying NO to every jobs bill or infrastructure repair bill brought to them by the president? It's YOU PEOPLE ripping us all off! Perhaps if you pulled your head out of Glenn Beck's tuchus long enough to see the real world, you'd know that. 6. "Record unemployment exacerbated by Obama's stifling Obamacare." No, the same obstructionist tactics of Boehner's House on every jobs bill, every infrastructure bill, and every bill designed to take care of the people who return home from your wars of profit and convenience, by saying NO to every single thing the president tries to bring to you, is the reason why the unemployment - which is NOT "Record" unemployment (that was under your boy Bush) - isn't going down to pre-Bush levels. 7. "Our national security is compromised." Remember Robert Rosen of Fox News? Whether or not he was complicit in it, he helped to compromise national security by using Top Secret national security information on North Korea's nuclear program to "scoop the other news networks." The Associated Press was stopped by the NSA from blowing the cover of numerous undercover intelligence agents still in the field. If that hadn't happened, and those gents would've died, you'd be screaming for the president's job even louder than over the bogus scandal of Benghazi. You folks on the right of the aisle would compromise national security if it meant damaging the president's legacy or even help advance your side's wet dream fantasy of a "Republican supermajority." 8. "The IRS is being used by Obama to crush is political adversaries." Now, we all know the truth about this. Why you choose to keep up this track is pointless. We ALL know that both conservative AND progressive organizations were targeted by the IRS, and we ALL know the president had ZERO involvement and ZERO knowledge of the BOLO lists. We also know that the Conservative organizations, like True The Vote and the Tea Party groups, all were APPROVED for a tax exempt status they neither were qualified to get, nor deserved to get. And we ALL know many progressive organizations were DENIED the same status. 9. "The NSA is being used unconstitutionally." My my, how soon we forget the Patriot Act of 2001. Signed into law by George W. Bush, in response to the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. Obama merely re-authorized the act. That baby is your side's product, and now you're using it against a president because he's a Democrat. 10. "Obama shut down the pipeline." The Keystone XL Pipeline was flagged due to environmental concerns (like those of the oil pipeline leak in Arkansas last spring), and aside from that, there are a number of ethical questions Speaker Boehner needs to answer, regarding his stock holdings in numerous companies involved in the pipeline's construction and operation. And then there's the lies about how many jobs the pipeline will create. It's not a couple hundred thousand, as Boehner claims. more like a couple THOUSAND, and maybe a couple thousand more temporary jobs involved in the construction of the pipeline. Finally, there's the ecological disaster being inflicted upon the Alberta province of Canada. There are hundreds of aerial photographs showing the damage the tar sands production is doing to the Albertan countryside, and the Canadian government's push to get the pipeline constructed down the middle of America, with no regards to the damage a leaking pipeline with the dirtiest oil produced could do to the water tables of many states in the Great Plains - oil to be loaded into tankers bound for China and East Asia - is beginning to do irreparable damage to conservative Canadian PM Stephen Harper and his conservative party. 11. "The scandals...oh the scandals...and people died!" The bullshit...oh the bullshit! There are NO scandals. Your side is batting 0 for 4, and have yet to hit anything other than foul balls in the scandal department. You have NOTHING on the IRS. Nothing on the AP. NOTHING, PERIOD! As far as Benghazi is concerned, the only scandal involved there, aside from the fact several Republicans were the ones who edited the talking points, to make it look like the president and former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton doctored them. is the fact you won't allow Ambassador Stevens and the three men who died with him that night last year, REST IN PEACE! You keep exhuming their memories, drag them from their graves and nail them to crosses to score political brownie points with your equally-brain dead base, in the hopes that keeping this up will help you keep your ever growing tenacious hold on your House majority, or your wet dream fantasy of "retaking the Senate." You all over on the right of the aisle should be ashamed of yourselves for using the memories of those four, and your exploitation of their survivors, for political gain. But in order to feel shame, one would have to have a conscience and a soul. And none of you on the right of the aisle have EITHER! 2. "Our schools are crap." That's something to be laid on the doorstep of the Republican Party. Your side has systematically destroyed our educational system in this nation, and then turned around and claimed that our schools are "liberal indoctrination centers," which you scum-crullers then use to demand the issuance of "school vouchers," pieces of paper you then use to put your precious neo-con larvae into either private or religious schools, in the hopes that insulating them from reality will allow you to indoctrinate them to be mini-me versions of you and your side of the aisle. And what has your side produced to help our schools? Letting them pray to your prostituted version of Christ and God. Nothing more. Nothing less. Your side of the aisle wrecked our educational system, mainly to produce successive generations of people who will never be able to think critically, or for themselves, relying on a corrupt, corporate media machine to tell them how to do everything short of how to wipe their own butts, and just dumb enough to strengthen their gullibility enough to keep them turning out en masse at the polls to vote Republican without fail. 13. "Is there anything thing of substance the left can point to and say: We made America better?" There are thousands of things we can point to and say it made things better, fool. Our parents and grandparents left us a world with a system of governmental checks and balances, to ensure we had it just as good as they had it. And then we, the Baby Boomers in charge, took Jim Morrison's famous line, "We want the world, and we want it now!" literally and to extremes, and began systematically dismantling those checks and balances, deregulating everything in sight, allowing corporations to swallow up everything they possibly could, unmindful of the devastation they left behind, and then sit idly by and let the wealthiest one percent of America hoard wealth like a crazy old woman hoards cats, stashing their wealth in safe offshore havens in the Cayman Islands, and then amass obscene profits which they refuse to share that windfall with the people who actually do the hard work in their companies, preferring to give themselves eight or nine digit end-of-year bonuses, which go into the same offshore havens. We, our parents and our grandparents made America a country to be proud of. We put you idiots in charge, and you surreptitiously turned around and screwed everything up. 14. "I say no!" Why not? Your pals Boehner, Cantor and McConnell say that all the time. In closing, all I can say is this: Do us all a favor. Stay home in November, 2014. You proved to all of us, above, that you're incapable of separating fantasy from reality. Liberally Driven Administrators Note: L.M., who writes under the pseudonym of Humma Kavula, stated after I asked him if I could share his post, “I served my nation honorably for nine years, defending the rights of people like the troll I took to task above, to speak their minds, and would gladly lay my life down to allow that person to speak their mind, even if I don't agree with them personally. We think this is a fantastic example of the thoughtful, reasonable but forceful response that we need to give when faced with wild accusations against our core beliefs. We felt obligated to share this and hope that you have enjoyed this as much as we have. We are, after all, all in this together. Thanks, Larry at Liberally Driven |
![]() About TCL BlogWe’re not about Dogma here. We’re just Christians who think the political and Christian right-wing have their priorities wrong. Featured Bloggers![]() Charles Toy is the founding member of The Christian Left. We're sure you will enjoy his passion as well as his wit. Guest bloggers featured often.
January 2025