The Christian Left is an online ministry and community for Christian progressives and their allies. It’s a place to gather any time of day, 7 days a week, no matter where you live. It’s a place where members can discuss current events, news of the day, culture, politics, philosophy, theology, music, and anything else worthy of discussion. All discussion takes place on the backdrop of the life of Jesus and his teachings. It’s a place where members won’t be harassed by conservative “Christians,” Republicans, or naysayers of any kind. It’s a haven. Anyone can be a member. All we ask is that people join us if they want to be a part of what we have to offer, not to debate with us or try to convince us of their point of view. We are not a debate society. The founding members of The Christian Left take part in political action. They have traveled all over the country to participate in gatherings and events where political action is taking place. As an organization we'll be increasing this kind of action in 2020. It's a pivotal year for the future of our nation. How many Christian organizations do you know of these days advocating for progressive policy? There aren't many and we were one of the first in the era of social media having launched in 2009. Like you, we understand that modern conservative policy has turned its back on all who need any kind of help from society, those that Jesus called ‘the least of these.’ Our modern economic system has become the 'law of the jungle.' Only the richest, strongest and smartest receive help. "The rest are just lazy freeloaders who deserve what they get, which is nothing." That's how conservative ideology views it whether its followers realize it or not, and it's the opposite of everything Jesus ever said. It’s a mystery to us why 80% of white evangelicals vote Republican. It makes no sense, unless you factor in the amount of money conservative groups have spent on messaging aimed at the church. A counter-narrative to the ideology and messaging of The "Christian" Right couldn't be more important at this particular time in history. They spend billions on conservative policy messaging every year, and they tie it to the Christian faith. They tie it to Jesus. That’s blasphemy in our opinion. We're so glad you're here! There are many places across the internet you can connect with us and the rest of the TCL community. Here are the primary locations. Most of the action happens on our Facebook page. That's where we discuss daily events in politics, culture and theology.
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![]() About TCL BlogWe’re not about Dogma here. We’re just Christians who think the political and Christian right-wing have their priorities wrong. Featured Bloggers![]() Charles Toy is the founding member of The Christian Left. We're sure you will enjoy his passion as well as his wit. Guest bloggers featured often.
January 2025