by Charles Toy ![]() Jesus was involved in the world, on every mundane level. Jesus cried; Jesus got angry; Jesus ate; Jesus drank water; Jesus slept; Jesus sweat; Jesus went to the bathroom, etc. Jesus attracted people of all types and he never sent them away. He was about as involved in the world as any person could ever get. He became a dirt (and water) man, as he himself had created, and lived in a dirt and water body. Then he got his hands dirty with the world, by washing, healing, fishing, blessing, speaking, teaching, walking, and traveling. He ran moneychangers out of the temple with whips, overturning their tables. He called the self-righteous of the time 'vipers and snakes!' That’s why it always baffles me when I hear Christians say, “We aren’t to be involved in the things of this world.” That’s just not right. Jesus was involved in this world on a deep level. We follow Jesus. That means we must be involved in the world as well, on every level, including in government and politics. Exerting influence and applying pressure where needed in the defense if the least of these is a Christian duty. Laws govern how the least of these are treated in society and therefore we must be involved in the political process and in the means by which laws are made. It’s not that hard once the above points are realized. I don’t want church and state joined. I want fair, compassionate, uplifting, and peaceful policy as it pertains to least of these. Policies that protect their dignify as human beings with basic needs. The least of these are anyone who is oppressed. Gay people fall in to this category, as do women, minorities, aliens; children; the poor, the sick, the mentally ill, the disabled; the unemployed; the drug addicted; the wrongfully or unfairly incarcerated; on and on. Until Jesus returns (in whatever scenario that may be), we need to keep being his hands and feet, and his mouth. He told us to be the salt of the earth. That means we are to season everything we touch with as many gifts of the spirit we can muster. Are you ready to live that way? Footnote: I'm aware that in Jesus' day salt was used for purification. I prefer the concept of seasoning for the above topic, but you can use whichever metaphor you prefer.
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![]() About TCL BlogWe’re not about Dogma here. We’re just Christians who think the political and Christian right-wing have their priorities wrong. Featured Bloggers![]() Charles Toy is the founding member of The Christian Left. We're sure you will enjoy his passion as well as his wit. Guest bloggers featured often.
January 2025