How many more times will you take our money Wall Street? How many times have you taken it already? Let us count the ways: 1.) You crashed our economy because you weren't good stewards with the money we entrusted to you. You wasted it on casino style investments and pocketed vast sums of our money. You took our money. 2.) We bailed you out 100 cents on the dollar for taking our money. You took our money again. 3.) The money we used to bail you out is now debt on our books that we have to pay interest on, for God knows how long. Imagine that. We're paying interest on our money that we gave you free and clear, because you took our money and lost it, and we bailed you out. It gets mind numbing doesn't it? But we get it. You took our money again. 4.) Because we bailed you out for being awful managers of our money, we now have a massive debt, to the point where we can't even afford social safety programs for the poor, and the sick, and the unemployed, and the disabled, and the homeless, and the displaced worker. You're taking our money again, this time out of the mouths of our families, literally. 5.) Because of your greed, you now sit on Trillions of dollars and refuse to hire workers because hey, you have yours, except that it's ours. You're taking our money again. How many more times will you take our money? Probably as many times as we let you. But you see, we just can't let you steal our money any longer. We can't stand by and watch you take everything we've worked for. We can't let you steal food off of our children's dinner tables any longer. Nope. We're afraid it's going to have to stop. Our politicians won't do anything about it (you and your lobbyists and your campaign contributions own them). Our Law Enforcement agencies (The Department of Justice) won't do anything about it, you own them too apparently. It looks like we're going to have to do it ourselves, peacefully, but in no uncertain terms. You see, a new awareness has begun. A new occupation has begun. It will not end until justice comes, to you. Count on it. Comments are closed.
About TCL BlogWe’re not about Dogma here. We’re just Christians who think the political and Christian right-wing have their priorities wrong. Featured BloggersCharles Toy is the founding member of The Christian Left. We're sure you will enjoy his passion as well as his wit. Guest bloggers featured often.
October 2024